Malapetsas Lighting in Light + Building 2014, Frankfurt

The participation of the lightening company Malapetsas Lighting in this year’s international fair Light + Building 2014, was a top moment in the history of the company. For 6 days, over 210.000 visitors from all over the world had the chance to see the new designs of the company whose style varies from modern to classic.

For the last 10 years, the well-established in Greece, Malapetsas Lighting has moved towards the international markets. Within the framework of the obvious extroversion activity, there are also included the participations in significant international fairs abroad.

Light + Building which is held on a biannual basis in Frankfurt, constitutes one of the most important fairs about the technological lighting and construction services. This year, professionals from 161 countries (Italy, Netherlands, France, China, Austria etc) traveled to Germany so as to be informed on the latest innovations and solutions that manufacturers and producers had to show.

On the company’s part, it has left the best impressions to the visitors thanks to a magnificent stand as well as a strong team that was present and available at any time to provide information regarding the products. As far as the products are concerned, as always they stood out for the supremacy of the materials and the overall quality of construction while aesthetics and elegance were obvious in every aspect.

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